Mama On A Mission

Being a mom is one of the toughest if not the toughest jobs there are.

It is demanding in every way possible; physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially.

But it is also the most rewarding calling.

Growing up I never really knew the answer to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up”. Many years later and with one undergraduate degree, one graduate degree, plus many other vocational certificates, licenses, and training programs and I would always joke and say I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’ve always been multi-passionate which I think is just a fancy term that confirms my ADHD.

However, I did always know I wanted to be a mom but I never saw that as substantial enough to be a job on its own. I mean obviously, there is no paycheck so it couldn’t hold the same value as a career. At least that’s how our society and our world portray it.

Once I found a career in real estate I actually felt like this was the job for me. Especially when my brokerage allows me to work remotely from home. It felt like a win-win. I could bring home a paycheck, I could be home with my kids, I could still homeschool them, and I could still be the wife at home taking care of the household.

But I still found myself feeling pulled in every direction. Feeling like any success in one area of life meant I was failing in another. So if a business was my focus and things were going great then that was time taken from my kids, those were nights of working instead of one on one time with my husband, those were nights of no sleep and days full of piled up kitchen counters and laundry piles. If I was spending extra time focusing on my kids, the housework, my marriage, myself then that meant business was slow and paychecks were less and finances were tight.

The weight of it all was becoming too much. Finally, God intervened and opened my eyes. He reminded me of who I am and whose I am. I find it seriously ironic that I had lost sight of all this when I have written a book titled, You Are Trusting God to Define Who You Are. Oh yeah, I also like to write and published a book and have another one I will finish…one day.

I had gotten so caught up in the way the world views my roles and my success I had forgotten something God has taught me so many times before. My identity is in Him. He determines my roles. He determines my success. He is in control. I just need to be faithful and obedient. I need to trust in Him fully.

Recently I have been trying to figure out ways to balance it all better and to be successful in all aspects of my life. After prayer, bible study, podcasts, youtube videos, Pinterest posts, and every other available source of information He showed me what I was doing wrong.

I was caught up in doing things the way others expect me to do them. Not how God has laid them out and planned them specifically for me.

There is a quote and I’ve shared it on social media multiple times before because it speaks so much truth to my inner struggle.

“We expect women to work like they don’t have children and raise children as if they don’t work”.

I don’t work just for financial benefit. I work because it fulfills a part of me that God created in me, on purpose. My work does not give me purpose. My God gives me purpose.

We chose to homeschool for many reasons but one of the main reasons we have continued over the years is to create a family bond that is unique in that we are together so many hours (okay let’s be real… all the hours) in a day. I cherish the time I have at home with my kids especially as we are about to have our oldest say goodbye to his elementary years this summer. It goes by incredibly too fast.

So all of this to say we are making changes in our home and my business. What’s a better way to teach our kids how to live a life built on faith and obedience to God than to show them firsthand. I will be integrating my career and my role as a mother even more than before. My four assistants are being promoted to my four business partners. They will be around while I’m working not quieted in another room. I will no longer shy from posting social media videos to grow my business because I have four kids running around in the background. They will be helping me create my business marketing materials. (Kanen was up for the task already this week as he’s super excited to make more Facebook posts) . They will be interrupting virtual meetings. They will be laughing in the background of important phone calls. They will be present and I will be present with them. They are the most important part of my day and why not show them that every chance I get. That doesn’t mean I will fail as a Realtor or businesswoman. It only pushes me to show them how we can do anything in life as long as we are trusting God and stepping out in obedience to what he has called us to do.

I’m not just a mom. I’m not just an entrepreneur. I’m not just a realtor. I’m not just a housewife. I’m just who God created me to be which is a multi-tasking, multi-passionate, mama on a mission who is incredibly grateful for all the blessings in my life.

So be ready for all things Jesus, Real Estate, Homeschool, Housewife, and Chaos Coordinator related and enjoy whatever loud live videos and blooper reels are headed your way.


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