Not My Plans

Back home and trying to get back to our normal routine. Getting all the things done today. Getting emails sent. Getting appointments set. Checking off my to-do list.

I’ve been reading through a Bible study on the book of Habakkuk called, Not According to Plan. As a type A, planning fanatic I struggle when things are Not According to Plan, especially not according to my plan. It drives me crazy, it stresses me out, it worries me, it exhausts me. Because I know this is a major weakness of mine I try to be very diligent in remembering God is in control not me. His plan is better than mine. He has the whole picture. I barely have the next paragraph let alone the ending. So I try my best to take everything to God first before I start on the path to create my plan. Obviously, it’s always easier said than done for me.

Reading about Habakkuk and how he cried out to God and then waited for His response is such a great reminder for me to do the same. I have felt like we are stuck in limbo lately with Korbin’s health. We have done test after test and we wait and we wait. We are waiting for the oncologist to officially review his PET scan. We have some answers but most of them we already assumed and they don’t yet put us on a clear path of answers, diagnosis, and treatment.

So I find myself in my least favorite place, the unknown when it comes to, Korbin. No deadlines. No appointments on the calendar. No next steps. Just waiting in the unknown. I feel like in this place of trying to make plans yet afraid they will just have to be canceled, if we get answers and direction. In this place where nothing is going according to plan. This place where our “normal” is being interrupted. Yet just like in Habakkuk I know that God knows every detail about the battle we are facing. He knows exactly How he plans to work things for His good.

This is a reminder for me and maybe you that God is in control. God knows the entire plan. He holds every single detail in His hands. We just need to remember who He is, cling to Him, and trust Him.

I read a quote that said, “Roughly half of Jesus’ miracles were interruptions. He had a plan. He had a destination. But He was interruptible. I wonder how often we miss what God is doing because we hold too tightly to our own plans.” – Unknown.

Time to be interruptible.

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