Life Lately

I feel like for more than the past year anytime anyone would ask how we are, or what our family has been up to I always answer the same, busy. Unfortunately, that busy got in the way of some things that I enjoy doing, one of which is writing. I have always used writing as my way to express myself and it’s often been a therapeutic tool for me. I also have been in various seasons where other’s writing has got me through good, hard, and really bad places. So I have always thought of writing as a way to connect with and help others.
As a homeschool mom who also has been working as a real estate agent along with several other side hustles, writing just became a hobby that I didn’t have time for. Which honestly is so unfortunate because writing has always been more than that for me. It is one of my passions and something I feel like God has called me to do. Until recently, I had not seen my avoiding taking the time to write as something that was also me being disobedient to God’s calling in my life.
Over the last two years, one of the reasons life has felt busier than usual, we have been dealing with a lot of unexpected health issues with our youngest son. When he was five years old, he was diagnosed with arginine vasopressin deficiency, also known as diabetes insipidus. Our little guy has been incredibly brave with all his new normal consist of but it has been hard on him and our entire family. We recently went to Texas Children’s Hospital to see a specialist as we have been trying to find the cause of his AVP-D/DI and looking for an explanation of some of his daily symptoms. One of the causes we are trying to learn more about is called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, which is a type of cancer. While both diseases are complicated and hard to understand, we are very hopeful and have an unexplainable peace that is only from the Lord.
While we didn’t get a clear answer either way on whether Korbin has LCH, he will continually be monitored for at least the next 7 years for this, we did learn a new diagnosis that explains some of his other symptoms. We learned that in addition to his AVP-D/DI, he also has a genetic mutation causing a liver disease called Gilbert’s Syndrome. Because of all the amazing people in our lives who have been offering prayers and support throughout this journey with Korbin, I have been updating via social media after each test and doctor’s appointment. Because of that, I’ve slowly been making time to write again. Sharing our journey in hopes of shedding light and hope on other’s lives. While we are still in the midst of this medical diagnosis journey with Korbin we know that God is creating a story and testimony for him that he will one day get to use as an opportunity to share the Gospel with others.
I’ve always felt like God was calling me to share my journey with others through my writing. Through various seasons of life, God has used both the good and the devastating to draw me closer to him. I have felt that connection to writing again, even though it has just been in short social media posts updating about Korbin. If my writing and often oversharing can do the same for just one person, then I feel like I have done what he has called me to do. So here is to the start of making sure that my writing and sharing are a priority again.