Perfectly Imperfect

One of the biggest misconceptions about Christians is we think we are perfect. Honestly (most) Christians are more than fully aware that they are not perfect and that is exactly what brought us to have a relationship with Jesus in the first place. We need our relationship with him because we need our Savior to cover all our imperfections with his unending grace.

When I first felt like God was calling to share my journey and to be honest about all my imperfections it was scary. I felt like He couldn’t use me because of my past and my current struggles. I felt like who I was and what I had done in my past would cause others to not believe that I was a Christian and I had made changes in my life. I also struggle daily with a lack of patience, anger, being brutally honest with my words which leads to speaking with a lack of grace when I speak more times than not. So, I thought if I share my journey and my relationship with Jesus, people may doubt the authenticity of that relationship if they knew me in the past or maybe if they knew me yesterday when I lost my patience and didn’t listen when the Holy Spirit was guiding me to just shut my mouth and I said what was on my mind instead.

Thankfully I have learned that it is exactly what the enemy would want me to do. Satan would love nothing more for Christians to not share about their struggles and how we need Jesus because of those struggles. So regardless of my shortcomings I can promise you I am a Christian and I am nowhere near perfect or without sin, and I never will be in this lifetime. That is why I need Jesus and I am so grateful for his unending grace that I do not deserve but he so graciously gives every day. So no, I am not perfect, I am human. I am a Jesus follower, and he has led me to share openly and honestly about my life including the not-so-Christ-like struggles so others can see just how much we need Him and just how much He has already done and continues to do in my life.

So, if you are looking for encouragement you are in the right place. Jesus has taken each part of my brokenness and has used it for His glory. I can relate to those who struggle to be gentle, patient, and kind. I can show you that despite the years of partying, waking up in places not knowing where I was or who I was with, showing up to class in high-school drunk weekly, being full of shame because of sexual sins, being involved in bar fights, and so many more aspects of my life that show my imperfections God has forgiven me and given me new life. My past is forgiven but I can use that to relate to those who are in those same broken places and show them the way out, through Jesus.
