Tag: faith

Legacy of Faith

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy  6:5-7 (ESV)

Two weeks ago our family suffered the devastating loss of our Mamaw. I am incredibly thankful for all the time I had with her as she would’ve turned 88 next month. But despite the memories I have the loss was so hard; thinking of how much she will miss in our lives and in our children’s lives. My heart was completely broken having to say goodbye to her.

I spent most weekends and summers with my Mamaw and Papaw growing up. They lived near my childhood home. Every weekend my entire family would gather at their home for food and just to spend time together. The house was always loud, full and chaotic full of memories and fun. Most all vacation memories included them as well as spending time at their place on the river in Indiana and trips to Gatlinburg, Kentucky, to get ice cream just because after dinner, and other road trips.

As I grew older the relationship, I had with my grandparents changed but we were closer in a new way. I would visit them often. Continuing to spend the night at their home even after they moved back home to Kentucky. I called them at least weekly just to keep in touch with them and hear their voices. They were always so easy to talk to and just enjoy sitting in their living room. As I watched the two of them in the matching recliners watching some terrible tv show or blasting the news as loud as could be so my Papaw could write his notes about current events in his notebooks he kept; while she would be hand stitching a quilt to give to someone in the family or hemming pants. We would talk about everything and anything and especially about the Bible and church even when it was not a priority in my life.

In July 2010 we suffered the loss of my Papaw. Though we knew his health was declining it was too a devasting loss for our family and especially for my Mamaw. She had spent her life devoted to my Papaw. If you knew him you would know that was a job within itself haha! She was by his side as a Pastor’s wife, a working mom of four, and later as a stay-at-home wife in their retired season of life. She catered to him at home for his every need. They went everywhere together, even if that meant he sat in the car while she tried on clothes and shopped at every Goodwill in town. Second to the Lord, he was her whole world.

Ever since he passed away she was ready for it to be her turn to go home, to Heaven. Mamaw was so lonely after Papaw passed away she would come to visit at my parents’ home. Eventually, she moved in with my parents.  I am so thankful for that extra time we got to have with her. Because we homeschool and traveled for five years we were able to take time whenever Jason was in different states visiting and staying with her at her home or at my parents’ home once she moved. The kids spent days breaking up beans from the garden with her, making buckeyes in the kitchen, watching her sew quilts, and fixing stuffed animals for them. We spent time watching Hallmark movies together every year around Christmas. Listening to her tell stories of her past and of our family heritage.

The bond we had and the bond she had with my children was a unique one for a grandmother and great-grandmother. One I know was a rare gift that many people are not able to have.  Of all the memories and all the things, I am most grateful for her Legacy of Faith.

Because Papaw and Mamaw’s faith being a priority in their life they passed it down to their children and grandchildren. Psalm 78:4 “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” (ESV)

Her relationship with Jesus was so important to her that she had even prepared a letter to be read at her funeral for all the family to hear. My dad read her words for us all to hear at the funeral. She wanted to make sure her family all came to know Jesus as their own personal Savior. She wanted us all to be reminded to be ready for the day we are taken from this world, or the day Jesus returns.

I am so thankful for her boldness to share her faith with us without apology. Even if it made someone feel uncomfortable, she was going to make sure you knew how important it is to live your life with Jesus as your number one priority.

I feel like so many times when someone passes away we are so quick to think and say things that are meant to bring comfort but not always true. Like when we say they are in a better place. They have gained their wings. She is flying high above now. Hope she rests in peace. Though these sayings may have good intentions they are not true.

The only way to be in the better place, more accurately to be in Heaven with our Savior is to be saved according to the Scriptures. To be saved you must repent of your sins. You must believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he came to Earth died on the cross and rose again 3 days later. Then commit your life to make Him your priority in all aspects of your life. Being saved goes beyond being kind and doing good works. We are saved by grace through faith, not our works. You must have a personal relationship with Jesus and spend your days growing closer to Him through prayer, reading His Word, and continually growing in Him through the process of sanctification. You must commit to sharing His Word with others and grow together in a community of believers.

We can’t simply just know there is a God and be a good person because it’s impossible to be a good person when we are all born into a sinful world therefore, we are all inherently sinners. When we die, we do not become angels as amazing as that may sound. God created angels as separate beings. We will not be resting in peace when we die either. If you are saved and have that relationship with Jesus, we will spend eternity in His presence glorifying him and singing of His praises. Like Heaven is a real place so is Hell. People don’t like when pastors preach about Hellfire and brimstone, but the truth is Hell is a real possibility for so many people that do not know Jesus as their personal savior or that may be confused about what salvation truly means.

I am so thankful for the priceless inheritance I’ve been given through the Legacy of Faith my grandparents and great-grandparents have created for my family. I am thankful I am able to pass that down to my own children. I pray that my Mamaw and Papaw’s Legacy of Faith is spread throughout our family and that we all will continue to seek out the truth about who God is and what true salvation looks like. I look forward to the day that I get to Heaven to be face to face with Jesus and reunited with my grandparents and all my loved ones who too had that personal relationship with Jesus.

Seek God’s guidance in creating your own Legacy of Faith

Exodus 20:5-6   Matt 6:20-21     Proverbs 13:22     Proverbs 22:6    Psalm 112: 1-3  Psalm 127:1   Psalm 145:4       2 Timothy 2:2




I know you’ve heard someone say, “The truth will set you free”. However, sometimes the truth in certain difficult situations is not ours to share.  For someone like myself who prides themselves on being real and being honest no matter what the costs, no matter the embarrassment, no matter the shame that may come to me personally; not being able to share a full truth because of the consequences it may bring to others including those who are innocent in the situation but still affected is really hard for me. I’m the type of person that likes to put it all out there.  My life is an open book and I truly believe the mistakes, hardships, and difficult times in my life not only shaped me but can also help others to get through their difficulties.

Recently I have really been struggling with a difficult situation that has been a part of my own life. There are different situations in our past and in our present where we may be affected by something that has happened to us or those close to us; to heal from them we need to share the truth with others. But when those situations may hurt others, or they may not be fully your story to tell you cannot always share the full truth.

I’ve wrestled with this scenario over and over in my head (and in confidence in speaking with my husband). If the truth will set me free, then how can I speak the truth with keeping true to myself and without hurting others among other serious consequences that may follow?  As I’ve contemplated how to best address situations like this, I’ve been stressed out without finding an answer to help me handle it correctly.

After spending some time in my daily bible reading in the book of John chapter eight, I was able to realize what that saying actually means based on its origins and original context. John 8:32, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Jesus was speaking to the Jews who believed in Him, and He told them, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31-32 NIV). Jesus then continues, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:34-36)

I don’t need to share the full truth with others in certain situations for myself to receive healing and freedom. I need to seek the Son, Jesus, and share the truth with Him. Then I need to immerse myself in His truth, His Word, the Bible. The word of God is the truth that is being referenced in these verses. For me to find healing and to handle the situation correctly without causing harm to others I need to know His word by studying it and asking for God to give me guidance and wisdom on how to apply His word to all aspects of my life especially in difficult and delicate situations like I’ve been struggling with.

If there are areas in your life where you too are struggling to find the right way to find your freedom and your healing without exposing or hurting others in the situation turn to the one and only truth, God’s word, the Holy Bible. His word is relevant to every aspect of our lives, and it is a living source of wisdom and power through Him. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 ESV) No matter the difficulty, no matter the situation, no matter the shame, no matter the hurt, no matter the guilt His Word is our source of healing.



Perfectly Imperfect

One of the biggest misconceptions about Christians is we think we are perfect. Honestly (most) Christians are more than fully aware that they are not perfect and that is exactly what brought us to have a relationship with Jesus in the first place. We need our relationship with him because we need our Savior to cover all our imperfections with his unending grace.

When I first felt like God was calling to share my journey and to be honest about all my imperfections it was scary. I felt like He couldn’t use me because of my past and my current struggles. I felt like who I was and what I had done in my past would cause others to not believe that I was a Christian and I had made changes in my life. I also struggle daily with a lack of patience, anger, being brutally honest with my words which leads to speaking with a lack of grace when I speak more times than not. So, I thought if I share my journey and my relationship with Jesus, people may doubt the authenticity of that relationship if they knew me in the past or maybe if they knew me yesterday when I lost my patience and didn’t listen when the Holy Spirit was guiding me to just shut my mouth and I said what was on my mind instead.

Thankfully I have learned that it is exactly what the enemy would want me to do. Satan would love nothing more for Christians to not share about their struggles and how we need Jesus because of those struggles. So regardless of my shortcomings I can promise you I am a Christian and I am nowhere near perfect or without sin, and I never will be in this lifetime. That is why I need Jesus and I am so grateful for his unending grace that I do not deserve but he so graciously gives every day. So no, I am not perfect, I am human. I am a Jesus follower, and he has led me to share openly and honestly about my life including the not-so-Christ-like struggles so others can see just how much we need Him and just how much He has already done and continues to do in my life.

So, if you are looking for encouragement you are in the right place. Jesus has taken each part of my brokenness and has used it for His glory. I can relate to those who struggle to be gentle, patient, and kind. I can show you that despite the years of partying, waking up in places not knowing where I was or who I was with, showing up to class in high-school drunk weekly, being full of shame because of sexual sins, being involved in bar fights, and so many more aspects of my life that show my imperfections God has forgiven me and given me new life. My past is forgiven but I can use that to relate to those who are in those same broken places and show them the way out, through Jesus.

